If you want to take your watch trading business to the next level…
Discover The Advanced Watch Trading Strategies You Need To Fast Track Your Way To The $100K Club
Want to fast track your way to the $100k club?
And turn watch trading from a fun hobby that makes you beer money to a full-fledged business that pulls in (at least) $100,000 per year?
Then keep reading.
In the Watch Trading Academy Part Deux, you’ll learn my advanced trading strategies that have helped countless watch traders scale to $100,000 per year in profit and beyond.
Not only will you learn how to make more money while doing fewer deals…
You’ll also get an inside look at my personal deals and get access to brand news cheat sheets and resources not shared anywhere else.

Why Simply Doing More Trades Isn’t The Answer To Growing Your Business
In the watch trading business, there are 2 ways to scale:
Option #1: Run a wholesale model where you trade a high volume of watches for tiny margins (where $500 profit on a single watch is considered "great")
But when you choose this option…
Margins become razor thin.
You have to deal with cheap, pain in the ass clients.
And you get stuck in a cycle where you’re desperate to move watches because otherwise you won’t be able to pay rent next month.
On the other hand, you have...
Option #2: Start trading higher end watch models With $1,000 profit (minimum) PER watch
And the best part?
You get to work fewer hours per week.
You’ll get high-end clients begging to do more business with you.
And you’ll have healthier margins since you’re not desperate to dump a watch to make a quick $150.
I don’t know about you…
But option #2 seems a hell of a lot better.
It’s how I run my watch trading business.
And since I started focusing on trading higher end pieces, this model has made me millions in profits.
The Watch Trading Academy Part Deux contains all my secrets, strategies, and tactics for scaling to $100,000 in profit per year while doing fewer trades.
Here’s Just A Taste Of What You’ll Learn Inside Watch Trading Academy Part Deux
But that's not all.
When you join today you’ll also get:
Lifetime Access To The $100k Club Private Facebook Group
This group is for Watch Trading Academy Part Deux members only.
Not only will you get a chance to network with some of the biggest watch traders in the world…
But I’ll also be dropping exclusive tips, tricks, and strategies not shared in the main Watch Trading Academy Facebook group.
Special Limited-Time Bonus: Get A 30 Minute 1-On-1 Coaching Call With Me When You Join Part Deux Today ($997 Value)
For a limited time only…
When you join Watch Trading Academy Part Deux today, I'll also throw in a 30 minute 1-on-1 coaching call with me (PJ).
I typically charge $997 for these calls, but for a limited time only, but it's yours 100% free when you pick up Part Deux today.
During this call I'm open to answering any questions you have about watches, making more money, and growing your watch trading business.
I'm an open book so don't hold back.
You will have my undivided attention for 30 minutes.
The Watch Trading Academy Part Deux Is For You If…
You want to join the $100k club
The majority of people think it's impossible.
That the only way you can do six figs per year in profit watch trading is by having a massive budget, scamming people, or getting lucky.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
Like I said in the core Watch Trading Academy training, all you need is $1500 to start.
And you can snowball that into $100k or more FAST.
But that only works if you follow a proven strategy and not outdated BS that washed-up jewelers followed 20 years ago.
You want to work fewer hours while making more money
Even after trading watches for 15+ years, I still only work a couple hours per week on my watch trading business.
And the best part?
I don’t have any employees, a warehouse, or physical storefront.
I’m able to run my multi-million dollar watch trading business straight from the comfort of my own home.
It's a truly (semi) passive business.
You want to learn how to make a minimum 20% margin on every single one of your trades
You can sell a watch for $2000 and make a 20% margin on it.
You can sell a watch for $5000 and make a 20% margin on it.
Make $400 or $1000.
Which one would prefer?
That’s what I thought 🙂
There’s no reason to sell low end watches when selling more expensive watches is just as easy.
In the Watch Trading Academy Part Deux, I’ll show you exactly how to make a minimum 20% margin on any watch you buy.
What Members Have To Say About the Watch Trading Academy Part Deux

Are You Ready To Make More Money While Doing Fewer Trades?
I've always said, there are levels to the watch trading game.
Selling cheaper watches ($1500 and below) is great when you're first getting started.
But once you get a couple of trades under your belt, the only way to scale fast is by investing in more expensive watches.
Otherwise you're going to be stuck in the non-stop cycle of hustling 24/7 to pocket a measly $200 profit.
That's no way to live.
Watch trading should be fun, profitable, and semi-passive.
And when you're making more money doing fewer trades, that's when you know you're on the right path.
So if you're ready to take things to the next level, hit the button below to upgrade to Part Deux.