Watch Trading Academy Mastermind

Are you ready to supercharge Your Watch Trading Profits?

Join The Watch Trading Academy Mastermind And Get Access To Weekly Calls With PJ, Our Exclusive “Watch Scout” Software, Target Pricing Shortcuts, Weekly Deals Sent to You, And More...

“Finding profitable watch deals is so hard.”

“It’s takes me so much time to research what is and isn’t a good deal.”

“What’s the best watch to buy right now?”

When I first launched the Watch Trading Academy, these were some of the biggest complaints from our early members.

That watch trading was too time consuming…

They couldn’t find any profitable deals…

They couldn’t figure out what the hottest watch models were.

I put my heart and soul into the core Watch Trading Academy training to make it the best watch trading program in the world.

And I made it simple enough that a 18 year old could follow it and see amazing results.

But I also realize that there is always going to be a group of people who want to take things and want things handed to them in a more "done for you" manner. 

So I got to work and created the...

Watch Trading Academy Mastermind

The Watch Trading Academy Mastermind is your all-access pass to our exclusive, high-level resources that will help you make you make more money in your watch trading journey.

Mastermind membership includes full access to: 

  • Live weekly “market update” calls with PJ. 

    The luxury watch industry is constantly changing. So every week, you’ll be able to hop on a live call with me where you’ll tell exactly what models are selling best, and upcoming opportunities you need to be on the lookout for to maximize your profits. There will also be Q&A at the end of each call so you can ask me any questions you want. 
  • Hand-picked watch deals newsletter. 

    Whether you don’t have time to do the research or you’re simply too lazy…Every week, I will deliver the hottest watch trading deals directly to your inbox. I removed all the work for you and even included the target buy and sell price for each watch. 
  • Exclusive access to our proprietary Watch Scout software. 

    This mastermind exclusive software cost us tens of thousands of dollars to build from the ground up. It’s what I wish I had when I first started watch trading. Use Watch Scout to scrape thousands of watch listings from the most popular websites like eBay and forums in just seconds so you can get your research done in minutes, not hours. 
  • Complete access to our archive of mastermind calls. 

    With over 50 hours of profit-boosting content. You can even filter by the exact watch model you’re looking for so you only get information that’s relevant to you. 
  • Access to the buy/sell/trade Facebook group. 

    This is the ONLY group online where you can buy, sell, and trade watches with other Watch Trading Academy members. I will also be personally posting exclusive deals in the group so everyone gets a chance to profit. 

The Watch Trading Academy Mastermind Is For You If…

You Want To Save Time On Research

This is why I created Watch Scout, our proprietary software that scrapes the most popular watch marketplaces and forums online in just seconds. 

No longer will you have to juggle between 20+ browsing tabs comparing different watch models and prices.

Watch Scout does all the work for you, saving you countless hours.

You Want The Inside Scoop On What’s Working Now In The Luxury Watch World

Luxury watches are constantly changing. 

New models come out, old models go out of style, and trends come and go.

And it can be hard to keep up with everything.

Luckily, I’m in the unique position where I can see how thousands of watches move thanks to all the data I get through my students and my personal watch investments.

In the Watch Trading Academy Mastermind, I’ll cover what’s hot in the watch trading world and what you need to do to stay competitive and profitable.

You Want Direct Access To Me

I charge thousands of dollars for an hour of my time. 

But as a Mastermind member, you get access to me every single week during our group coaching calls. 

You Want To Make More Money

Isn’t that why you're here?

In the end of the day, every part of the Watch Trading Academy Mastermind is designed to help you make more money.

The weekly “market update” calls? So you can learn what’s hot in the market and make more money.

The hand-picked watch deals newsletter? So you don’t have to waste time doing research and can just buy and sell the watches we tell you to at the target price.

The private buy/sell/trade group? So you have a safe place to buy, sell, and trade watches to make money faster. 

There's no fluff or filler in the Mastermind.

Just raw content, tools, and resources to put more money in your pocket.

What Members Have To Say About The Watch Trading Academy Mastermind

Join The Watch Trading Academy Mastermind And Get Your First Profitable Trade Done FAST

If you’ve been struggling to get your first profitable trade under your belt, then the Mastermind is for you.

The Watch Trading Academy Mastermind gives you all the tools you need to research, buy, and sell without spending a ton of time and wasting money. 

For example, you can:

  1. Fire up Watch Scout (unlimited access included in your Mastermind membership)
  2. Look for a watch in the budget (we’ll help you find one if you’re not sure what to look for).
  3. Buy the watch at the target price (we’ll help you determine what that is if you’re not sure).
  4. Sell the watch in our Mastermind-only buy/sell/trade group.
  5. Profit, rinse, and repeat 🙂

Realistically, this can all be done in less than a week and you’ll easily recoup your membership cost.

And the best part?

The steps above didn’t even leverage my Done For You Newsletter Deals or the secret strategies taught in my weekly Mastermind calls.

This barely scratches the surface of what’s possible.

There’s so much potential to make a killing by becoming a Mastermind member.

So what are you waiting for?

Join The Watch Trading Academy Mastermind Today - Only $97 Per Month. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime.

Joining the Watch Trading Academy Mastermind is simple.

It’s a flat $97 per month.

There are zero contracts.

And you can cancel anytime you want.

No surprises and no hidden fees.

Like I said, simple.